AT Beever Primary School we are passionate about parent and pupil voice as it enables parents and children to have a say and get involved in their child’s education. Parent/carer/pupil voice activities play a key role in fostering parental engagement and strengthening partnerships between school and home.  The School SENDCo regularly reaches out to parents to gain their views and develop positive links and each year a formal survey is carried out after PCR meetings to ensure parents are happy and to look into how SEND can be improved further.

At Beever Primary School the purpose of parent voice is:

  • to strengthen the partnership between home and school.
  • to enable parents to meet and share ideas.
  • to keep parents informed about school based, local and national education initiatives
  • to allow parents the opportunity to be more directly involved in the learning experiences being offered to the children.

There are many opportunities to take part in parent voice activities at Beever for example by contacting your child’s class teacher or SENDCo if you want to raise questions, taking part in surveys or consultations, attending parents evenings, becoming a parent governor or filling in the Ofsted Parent View survey.

Our parental voice on home learning enabled us to adapt and support our online learning approach to further support learning at home. This is a link to the most recent survey we conducted in March 2021.

Our pupil survey help us to identify how pupils were feeling and support them both emotionally and with any additional resources or online support they needed.

Pupil Voice Questionnaire Summer 2 2024

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Parent Survey October 2023

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