Sport is valued at Beever for the promotion of physical development, a healthy lifestyle, positive self-image and co-operation with others. The school aims to provide experiences for pupils, during their school life, in games, gymnastic activities, dance, athletic activities, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 visit the swimming baths each week for their swimming lesson. Parents are asked to support their children by ensuring they have the correct equipment and encourage their newly developed skills with visits to the baths during weekends and holidays.
The swimming teachers request that the following information is acted upon;
Boys should ideally have swimming trunks. If they have swimming shorts, these should have a lining and be no longer than mid-thigh in length. Longer shorts cause drag resistance and in certain circumstances can be unsafe.
Girls should wear a 1-piece swimming costume. Close fitting leotards and footless tights may also be worn where normal swimwear is not appropriate for religious/cultural reasons. Burka swimsuit is acceptable but it must be tight fitting and hood removed
Hair should not impede vision whilst swimming. Wearing a swim hat is strongly advised, not only for reasons of safety, but also of skill learning, as hair could interfere with vision and flow of water across the eyes and face, causing erratic and inefficient head and body movements. Where a hat is not worn, hair should be secured away from the face by other means.
Your co-operation is much appreciated. Failure to comply with the above could result in your child not being allowed into the pool for their lesson.