Regular attendance at school ensures that children get the best possible start in life. Good attendance supports learning, the development of social skills and friendships, as well as building good habits that are essential for adult life. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment. At Beever, we believe strongly in working in partnership with families, supporting and assisting where possible to ensure children are in school, on time and ready to learn.
At Beever, we aim for all children to achieve an attendance figure of 97%+
If your child’s level of absence concerns us, or attendance falls below 95%, you may be contacted by the school to look at what support can be offered to improve your child’s attendance. We want to work with you to ensure we give your child the best opportunities to grow and succeed. Attendance that falls below 90% is categorised as persistent absence.
Every day at school counts. Absences lead to missed learning and create gaps in children’s education that can seriously affect their academic progress and attainment.
Each week the class with the best attendance is awarded the ‘Beever Best Weekly Attendance Trophy’ in our celebration assembly and the winning class earns an extra 5 minutes playtime the following week. The class with the best punctuality is also rewarded with the ‘Beever Best Weekly Punctuality Trophy’.
Our school day starts at 8.45am and doors are closed at 8.50am. Any child arriving after this time must enter via the main reception and is marked as late. Children who miss the start of the day miss out on a crucial ‘settling down’ period – a chance to catch up on news with friends, share stories with their teacher, find their belongings, hang up their coats and prepare for a day of learning! Entering late via the main entrance can also impact emotionally on the children who then have to walk into an already quiet, working classroom- this is not the best way to start the day!
Please remember, parents/carers are not permitted to take children out of school to go on holiday during term time. This is not just a school rule – it is the law! Children can only be granted special leave in “exceptional circumstances” – this does not typically include holidays, or visiting a sick relative in another country. It is very important parents/carers understand this as you may put yourselves at risk of receiving a fine from the Local Authority: we really do not want for any members of our school community to find themselves in this position. Applications for leave during term time should be made via PA Connect.
If you are unsure about whether to send your child to school, you can contact the school office to speak with a member of staff or take a look at the NHS quick guide to support parents. Take a look:
Further useful information for parents: