Relationships Education Curriculum at Beever Primary School
Information about what Relationships Educaton looks like at Beever
From September 2020, relationships education became statutory in all primary schools in England. In line with government guidance, it is recommend that age-appropriate relationship and puberty education is also taught in all primary schools.
Health Education will also become statutory in all state-funded schools.
At Beever this means we will continue to support our children to learn about keeping healthy in all aspects of their lives. In Year 5 and Year 6, our children will continue to learn about changes in their bodies that occur during puberty and in Year 6 only, we will continue to discuss how relationships change and develop as you get older in an age-appropriate way. The curriculum in Year 5 and Year 6 will remain the same as it is at present and parents/carers will continue to be able to view any materials prior to teaching.
We have a statutory responsibility to consult with parents/carers prior regarding this curriculum, even if there are no changes to how the children in Years 5 and 6 are being taught.
Please find the following links which will give you further information around our SRE curriculum.
Overview of the Teaching units for Year 1 to Year 6
Primary school Relationships Education guidance from the DfE